What does it Mean to Be Royal in a Rich world?!?

"We were once Rich in the world, chasing money, cars, fashion and love. But now we are transformed and seeking the Royalty that comes with being an heir of the Kingdom. A Royalty that cannot be replaced with a Palace awaiting us. But for now… we will simply show the Rich what it means to be Royal".

Sunday, March 6, 2011

{Beautiful Butterfly Pure as Gold}

Beautiful Butterfly, Pure as Gold!
      I decided to take my workout outside for a walk the other day because it was so beautiful and I just “so happened” to browse through my news feed on facebook. I came across this verse and it spoke directly to my heart so I thought I’d share and I hope it touches yours too…Journey with me     
    We all have gone through things we thought we would never get out of or never overcome. Whatever your fire is I have had many situations of my own, so much so that I could not see the end of my tunnel more less the light. I bet some of you even now are facing the toughest of times, and if you are not, you don’t have to go too far to find someone who is. As disturbing as it may seem, it’s the process of life.
    However we are reminded in 1 Peter 1:7-9, though we are going through the fire we are coming out purified like gold, and we are so much more precious than that. The key to remaining in faith is to look outside of your situation and “see” the day that everything will be alright. When I am facing a trial or a difficult time, I simply remind myself that God thinks the BEST of me, and what I am facing like everything else I’ve gone through is only temporary and that a good work is being complete in me. God is working on my mind, my heart, my will, and emotions and I will come out stronger because of it.
     You must keep your faith. In your faith is LIFE. Remember that salvation is the end goal and you WILL be happy and live life as God intended no matter what your present situation looks like. So don’t give up, keep your words positive, surround yourself with faith filled people and pray continuously. Break through is the closest when you feel like you’re about to take your last breath, like you can’t take life and the walls around you are caving in. Don’t pull the plug, you are being recharged and you’re coming out GOLD. Tell your soul to be still and wait patiently (remaining the same) for the Lord.
     In order for a butterfly to get out of the cocoon it uses its mouth, your words and your confession is what gets you from one place to another, you must not only think faith, but speak faith. Know just like the butterfly in the cocoon there is a work of beauty being done. Just like the Butterfly is beyond beautiful when the process is complete so will the same be for you, not only will you be complete but God will get the glory from your situation. Your Precious and you are coming out purified like GOLD. Every day and in every way, things are getting better and better, don’t forget it!

1 Peter 1:7-9 (message bible)
Pure Gold in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it is your faith, not your gold that God will have on display as evidence of his victory. You never saw him, yet you love him. You still don’t see him, yet you trust him-with laughter and singing, because you kept on believing, you’ll get what you’re looking forward to: total salvation.