What does it Mean to Be Royal in a Rich world?!?

"We were once Rich in the world, chasing money, cars, fashion and love. But now we are transformed and seeking the Royalty that comes with being an heir of the Kingdom. A Royalty that cannot be replaced with a Palace awaiting us. But for now… we will simply show the Rich what it means to be Royal".

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happily Married: 26 Years!!! In Style then and NOW! ;-)

So if your like me you aspire to be married one day...to find the love of your life, the one that God had hidden FOR you and nor FROM you. The Clyde to your Bonnie, The  Batman to Your Robin....you get the point The Obama to your Michelle...You have dreamed about your prince charming, pre-planned your wedding or sorta kinda thought about it, and are patently waiting for his arrival...or maybe not so patiently depending on who you are ;-) But today we are going to celebrate a good 26 years of Marriage of a couple that I hold dear to my heart. Mr. and Ms. Dexter and Stephanie Jernigan....Today Stephanie answers some great questions, gives advice, and gives hope to the Lady or Gentleman in Waiting...

"My husband and I met on the job, we worked together at a home for the elderly in the kitchen, we dated for 8 months before we married, which was 26 years ago today, March 16th. I knew he was the one when I asked him one day "what does the future hold for us and he said he wanted to marry me". We have managed to stay together because we decided that divorce was never an option for us. The key to a successful marriage is to allow the other person to be themselves but grow together. One important thing about keeping the sparks alive is to not wait on your spouse to start the spark. We have been blessed with three wonderful daughters, three amazing granddaughters, and our first grandson. We praise God for the 26 years that He has given us and the 126 to come. Is this OK?"

Yes Stephanie that was PERFECT and there you have it....the keys to a successful marriage. Ladies and Gents stay ENCOURAGED, focused, and prayerful that the one that God has for you will be here when the timing is right...stay wrapped in him, so the man that is seeking you will find you and you both will be doing the same thing...going after the heart of the ONE that loves you both the MOST. That way you won't be better halves, but BETTER WHOLES

Stephanie and Dexter 26 years ago to the Present...To my Prince Charming...I cant wait for Photos like this 

Stay Tuned for our next Featured Couple...It might be you, or someone you know...If you'd like to see a couple featured, share their story, or wish them a Happy Anniversary please email beautifulsongsofadonai@yahoo.com

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