What does it Mean to Be Royal in a Rich world?!?

"We were once Rich in the world, chasing money, cars, fashion and love. But now we are transformed and seeking the Royalty that comes with being an heir of the Kingdom. A Royalty that cannot be replaced with a Palace awaiting us. But for now… we will simply show the Rich what it means to be Royal".

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Loves Creation...BOUTIQUEing with a PURPOSE!

     A few months ago I discovered a store that would change my life forever. Not only was it a store that looked amazingly Vintage but it still had a modern feel to it. Any of my closest friends know that I LOVE the world of Vintage. Its something about it that just seems so RICH and ROYAL to me and this store is the depiction of everything ROYAL. Not only that, but if you are a person that feeds off of anything exclusively DIFFERENT this store will definitely grab your attention. It will put you in the mind of the well known Urban Outfitters or the all famous Anthropologie. But as for now, its in a class if it own.

     Loves Creation is a Store with an amazing story. LC is a branch off from a larger ministry called Harvest Time International that was founded in 1974 by Loves Creation Owner Mary Murphy and her Husband John Murphy, that gives back to the community and the world through philanthropic means like feeding the hungry, providing food, and shelter, and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ across the world. ALL (100%) of Loves Creations proceeds go towards the funding of Harvest Time International. I believe that apart from the AMAZING trinkets, furniture, stationary, garments, designer shades/purses, and shoes...THIS is what keeps me in that store week after week, knowing that my dollars are being spent for a GREATER cause.

     The amazing pieces that you will see pictured can be accredited to the stores buyer Carmen Murphy the daughter of the owner Mary Murphy. She has a keen eye for fashion and this chick KNOWS her business and studied one year at International Academy of Design and Technology and left to pursue her dream of becoming a buyer. The visuals of the store can be accredited to Mrs. Erika Hinn who was an at home mom with a God given gift to make the vision of LC come to life and she is the back bone of the stores visual brand with no formal training.

     I bring to you today: Vintage meets Modern Chic, the girl next door, a business with a heart for the community and an eye for fashion. Where French Country Casual meets the American Woman....I bring to you my heart...

Loves Creation...

The Dynamic Trio: Erika Hinn-Visuals, Carmen Murphy-Buyer, Mary Murphy-Owner/Visionary

Hand Made Jewerly Exclusively by Erica Hinn hand crafted with Vintage pieces

Loved this cardigan had to capture it!

Many trinkets the store carries...

oh and this one too ;-)

Harvest Time thanking its customers!

Cute dress!!

Original Painting from Carmen! Amazing!

Me with the most AMAZING women the world has yet to MEET!

      If your ever in the Orlando/Sanford area, please stop by the Sanford Mall and experiance Loves Creation for yourself, and bring ALOT of money because you WON'T leave empty handed! I promise you! Ask my boyfriend HEHE!

Featured Brands:

Oopsy Daisy
Love and Toast
Lovely People.
Toms Shoes

You can connect with loves creation via FB at www.facebook.com/LovesCreation or find them on twitter!

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