What does it Mean to Be Royal in a Rich world?!?

"We were once Rich in the world, chasing money, cars, fashion and love. But now we are transformed and seeking the Royalty that comes with being an heir of the Kingdom. A Royalty that cannot be replaced with a Palace awaiting us. But for now… we will simply show the Rich what it means to be Royal".

Monday, March 28, 2011

How creative Are You?!...Creativity and Muscles, Commonality?

Creativity and Muscles

    “ Muscles are the functions of a body that produce force and cause motion”.  Muscles produce without thought and are necessary for survival. Creativity relates to the experience of creating something new that has some kind of value. Creativity can keep one healthy and steadily growing, evolving, and changing daily. Creativity clears the mind and excites the soul.
     Just like muscles are essential to the body, creativity is essential to life. There are so many individuals that live life admiring the creativity of another and yet they think this level of creativity is too farfetched for themselves. But this is far from the truth. One can find creativity in the things they love. For one that might be fashion, for another it may be gardening, for someone else it may be writing. But everyone has a bit of creativity wrapped inside, many just don’t take the time to find the key that unlocks the power of their soul.
     It has been said that everyone is inherently creative. There is a level of creativity bubbling inside of us all. It would be more evident if we just stopped to notice and had enough courage to follow through on those thoughts, feelings, visions etc. We are often taught in grade school and so forth to be a certain way and that only a certain type of people are acceptable. But the beauty in life is that everyone brings something different to the table. So spend time discovering self, what you like to do, find your quite place and exercise the gift like muscles need exercise and are essential to the body. Creativity is healthy for the soul as much so as the body need the muscles to survive. They both go hand in hand. So my Question still remains...How creative Are YoU?

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