What does it Mean to Be Royal in a Rich world?!?

"We were once Rich in the world, chasing money, cars, fashion and love. But now we are transformed and seeking the Royalty that comes with being an heir of the Kingdom. A Royalty that cannot be replaced with a Palace awaiting us. But for now… we will simply show the Rich what it means to be Royal".

Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring Forward while Bringing back the PAST! From their Runway to Yours!!

   Winter is just about gone and spring is almost here and I know all my Fashionistas are waiting to see what’s hot and what’s not…well my trusty friends at fashionising.com put me up on “game” ;-). For all those that know me, know I’m in love with anything vintage. And to hear that the 70’s style is back and were calling it “70’s glamour”!!!, made my SPRING! Here’s sneak peak from the run way to your closet for cheap!
“Sophisticated 70s woman”: to achive add any fun silk blousy shirt with a pair of low or high waisted wide leg pants and your fav pair of wedges, and dont forget the skinny belt ;-) even add a tailored blazer for Sophisticate-fun...

“70’s Night Glam” to achive: your fav romper and cutest cardigan or your favorite long silky gown with draping, low necks with a cute t-underneath, paired with a cute pair of wedges, gladiator sandals, or a pair of heel to-live-for...find the look for less... ;-)

     So whether your looking for something sophisticated or funky for night time fun, don’t forget to pair with your cutest accessories and a fun clutch purse. For more runway styles/trends please visit fashionising.com!
Stay tuned for more fashion trends and tips!
For your fashionista questions send emails to beautifulsongsofadonai@yahoo.com and check back for your response
Style Inspiration:

Love Always,


  1. Lovin' it! I have been looking for my 70s jeans, but have yet to find a pair. :o(
    I've also noticed a lot of platforms... *drool* Hahaha!

  2. FYI I had a loyal reader ask who the shoes were by...they are compliments of Christian Louboutin available at shoeperwoman.com...the price..i won't mesntion ;-) like Shelya I ((Drool))
